Girija Prasad Koirala – A leader with a healing touch

Zee News - ‎34分鐘之前‎

Kathmandu: Veteran Nepali Congress leader Girija Prasad Koirala was a politician of the mould of Indira Gandhi who in his career spanning six-decades ...

Nepalese ex-leader Girija Prasad Koirala dies BBC News

Girija Prasad Koirala dead Economic Times

Former Nepal Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala dies at 87

eTaiwan News - infocera

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Nepal declares state mourning for Koirala - ‎10分鐘之前‎

Kathmandu, March 20 (IANS) The Nepal government Sunday announced three-day state mourning for former prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who passed away ...

終結10年內戰 尼泊爾前總理寇瑞拉去世

中央廣播電台 - ‎2小時之前‎

尼泊爾國家電視台20日報導說,終結尼泊爾10年內戰的前總理寇瑞拉(Girija Prasad Koirala),20日在加德滿都女兒家中去世,享年85歲。寇瑞拉多年來一切有呼吸道方面的疾病。 尼泊爾境內的毛派叛軍10年騷亂,造成1萬6千人死亡,以及數千人下落不明。 ...


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