'Breaking Bad' is a transfixing train wreck

Boston Globe - ‎8小時之前‎

It's a “No Country for Old Men''-like vision of a place where man and nature are close but at odds. Cinematographer Michael Slovis is absolutely one of the ...

影片:'Breaking Bad' stars dish on success, chile KRQE.com

Commentary: Count the ways 'Breaking Bad' is so good Fort Worth Star Telegram

REVIEW: 'Breaking Bad' — The Best Crime Series on TV Returns Big Hollywood (blog)

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Would-be suicide bomber explains himself

Montreal Gazette - ‎5小時之前‎

In one case cited by Williams, a 17-year-old explained: "We were told to fight against Israel, America and non-Muslims." Williams also noted through his ...

製作人拍胸保證 本屆奧斯卡絕對精采

中央廣播電台 - ‎2010年3月5日‎

過去幾年總是由低成本、叫好不叫座的電影奪得奧斯卡最佳影片,例如2008年的黑色電影險路勿近(No Country For Old Men),當年的頒獎典禮轉播只吸引3200萬人收看。相較之下,1998年鐵達尼號(Titanic)抱走最佳影片等11項大獎時,多達5520萬人收看轉播。


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